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  (Found 11 results)
Program: Anti-Displacement Program - The Salvation Army
Agency: Salvation Army - Del Oro Division
Provides financial support to low-income individuals and families residing in the zip codes 95817, 9 ...
Phone: 2-1-1
Program: Family Assistance - Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish - SVdP
Agency: Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Sacramento Diocesan Council
Offers assistance with rent, utilities, furniture, mattresses, and clothing for those in need residi ...
Phone: 916-775-5748
Program: Family Assistance - Saint Anthony Conference - SVdP
Agency: Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Sacramento Diocesan Council
A nonprofit organization that provides direct assistance to a community's most vulnerable residents ...
Phone: 916-204-7942
Program: Family Assistance - Presentation Conference - SVdP
Agency: Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Sacramento Diocesan Council
Offers assistance to those who live in poverty and those who are struggling to make ends meet. Must ...
Phone: 916-485-3482
Program: Rental Assistance - The Salvation Army
Agency: Salvation Army - Del Oro Division
Provides the following to eligible households:Eviction avoidance assistance with a 3-day pay or quit ...
https://sacramento.salvationarmy.or ...
Phone: 916-678-4010 ext 2
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