Resource Number: 7159775
Alternate name: Previously known as InfoLine Sacramento
Works to help people turn ideas into action through information, planning, civic engagement and advocacy for human needs.
Strategic Goals - Enable the people of the Sacramento Region to access and use community resources by providing high-quality information and referral services
- Transform people and communities through volunteer service and civic engagement
- Enhance public dialogue and decision-making by providing factual information and reports and offering people the opportunity to study and influence public policy
- Improve individual and community conditions through planning, services coordination, program development and coalition building
- Enhance the capability of the organization by building strong leadership, developing discretionary resources, and planning for the future
Agency Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Corner of Power Inn Road and Folsom Boulevard.
Disabilities Access:
Potential limitations to access – call for details.
(Mailing address is private)
Service Area:
Programs at Community Link Capital Region
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Incorporated
Employer Identification Number: