-Must reside in California and intend to stay in California
-Must prove identity for all family members requesting assistance
-Adults between ages 21-64 whose annual income is 138% of the federal poverty level or less.
-Children from birth up to 21 years**
-Individuals 65 years of age or older
-Individuals of any age who are blind or disabled
-CalWORKs Recipients (automatically eligible)
-Former Foster Youth up to age 26 regardless of income (if they were in foster card on their 18th birthday)
-Specialized Programs are also available for: Pregnant women & women who have had a baby in the last 2 months, people who cannot take care of their own basic needs (cooking, bathing, etc), individuals with some medical conditions (including tuberculosis, HIV, kidney dialysis, and breast or cervical cancer), and individuals living in a long term care facility.
*Adults over age 21 enrolled in Medi-Cal are eligible for Denti-Cal benefits.
**Undocumented children must be age 18 or younger for full-scope benefits.
Interpreter services available., Farsi, Mixteco, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, English
Application Process:
Visit https://www.ventura.org/human-services-agency/medi-cal-how-to-apply/ to apply or download application, or call and request an application.
Program Fees:
Fees vary. Based on family size and income, cost can range from no-cost to $39 monthly premium.
Documents Required:
For coverage of more than emergency care, applicants may be required to provide documentation that proves citizenship such as: -Birth certificate, passport, naturalization certificate, or USCIS document -Social Security Number - Social Security card for all persons requesting more than emergency care -Income information (W2 or recent pay stubs) -Proof of residency